Estate Tax Appraisal

Helping you evaluate inherited or gifted jewelry

Jewelry appraisals can be daunting especially when dealing with inherited jewelry. Appraisal values for a single item can vary from as much as $1,000 to $10,000. Navigating the correct value standards for estate jewelry is critical to determine an equitable resolution for your family and friends.

An estate retail value represents the price a retailer could charge for an item in your piece’s pre-owned condition, based on the current fair market value of the item. Since retail prices are marked up to cover a store’s operating expenses, this value can be higher. However, estate appraisals will generally be a lot lower than the insurance replacement price.

Estate Liquid Value

The estate liquid value is the price that a wholesaler is willing to pay for your piece. This figure is based on current market trends, demand and comparison prices in the market. This value offers the most accurate look at values for items that can be resold into secondary markets. Therefore, it is the key to understanding the value of jewelry that may be liquidated in an estate. Similarly, this value is essential for ensuring an equal division of inheritance. Also, you would not want this value inflated since inheritance tax is based on it.

Intrinsic Value

This is the lowest of all appraisal values. Intrinsic value simply assesses the cost of the raw materials used in a piece of jewelry. It is basically the cost of the current precious metal, gemstone and diamond value. This value may be used if the item is not in demand, outdated, heavily worn or damaged.

Do you have inherited silverware? Only certain patterns have resale value. Since the younger generations do not want them most are sold for scrap value.